Placing You at the Centre of Care

Brain Injuries

Brain Injury Rehabilitation

Every brain injury is unique and can affect people in different ways. In order to provide an individualised package of brain injury rehabilitation which is tailored to suit your goals, an initial assessment is a good place to start. Your brain injury therapy could include a multidisciplinary approach involving neurological physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech and language therapists and clinical neuropsychologists and your suitability for intensive rehabilitation will be discussed with your therapist in your initial assessment.

Inpatient Rehabilitation

Suitable for individuals who require intensive and focused care, who are not yet ready to return home after discharge from hospital.

Outpatient Rehabilitation

Suitable for individuals who do not require continuous medical supervision and can visit any of our centres; intensive rehabilitation is available at specific locations.

Community Rehabilitation

Suitable for individuals transitioning from inpatient rehabilitation and those whose health condition prevents them from visiting any of our centres.

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Neurological Services for Brain Injuries

Hobbs Rehabilitation provides a multidisciplinary service for brain injuries to help ensure that every individual can reach their full potential.

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Aquatic Physiotherapy

Utilise the water environment to help restore movement, enhance muscle strength and improve balance.

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Clinical Neuropsychology

Address cognitive, emotional and behavioural changes that can result from brain injury.

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Exercise Groups

Elevate your rehabilitation journey by staying active with our groups and additional activities.

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Increase the number of repetitions to unlock your potential with cutting-edge technology.

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Occupational Therapy

Guiding individuals with brain injury to regain their independence and address challenges in daily life.

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Providing support and correction, addressing mobility, promoting proper posture and enhancing gait.

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Hands-on care and cutting-edge neurotechnology for children facing the challenges of brain injury.

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Improve balance and mobility and enhance muscle strength while reducing stiffness and pain.

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Rehabilitation Assistant

Supporting exercises and daily activities, guided by our therapists to enhance progress and well-being.

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Rehabilitation Medicine

Maximise functional independence and elevate quality of life with a specialist consultant.

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Speech and Language

Help with speech, swallowing, written communication and non-verbal expression.

More Repetitions + Shorter Timespan = Better Results

Intensive rehabilitation available at specific locations.

Clinical neuropsychology is a specialist field within psychology that focuses on understanding the relationship between brain function and behaviour. Clinical neuropsychologists play a vital role in assessing and addressing cognitive, emotional and behavioural changes that can result from brain injuries. Individuals often find it challenging to adapt to their altered mobility, social life and overall lifestyle. At Hobbs Rehabilitation, our clinical neuropsychologists step in to provide essential support.

Assessment and Evaluation: Clinical neuropsychologists conduct detailed assessments to evaluate cognitive functions such as memory, attention, problem-solving, language and executive functions. These assessments provide a clear picture of an individual’s cognitive strengths and areas of impairment.

Bespoke Treatment: Based on assessment results, clinical neuropsychologists collaborate with our multidisciplinary rehabilitation team to create individualised treatment plans. The treatment plans address cognitive deficits, emotional changes and behavioural challenges to maximise recovery and functional independence.

Return-to-Work and Daily Life Planning: For individuals returning to work or daily life activities, clinical neuropsychologists collaborate with occupational therapists to assess readiness and provide recommendations for successful reintegration.

Guidance and Education: Our clinical neuropsychologists work with patients and their families to educate them about the cognitive and emotional effects of brain injuries. We offer guidance, consultations and teaching to other healthcare professionals, as well as family members and caregivers. This collaborative approach ensures a well-rounded support network.

Research: Clinical neuropsychologists contribute to ongoing research aimed at understanding brain injury outcomes and developing innovative interventions. This research informs evidence-based practices in the field.

Multidisciplinary Approach: Clinical neuropsychologists collaborate closely with our physiotherapists, occupational therapists and speech and language therapists to ensure a holistic approach to brain injury rehabilitation.

Through the expertise of our clinical neuropsychologists, individuals with brain injuries can regain cognitive function, emotional well-being and overall quality of life.

At Hobbs Rehabilitation, our specialist neurological occupational therapists play a pivotal role in helping individuals with brain injuries regain their independence and reintegrate into daily life. Our approach is focused on enhancing an individual’s ability to engage in meaningful daily activities, addressing challenges in personal care, work and leisure activities. Our occupational therapists strive to restore independence functionality and quality of life. Here’s a glimpse into the significance of occupational therapy in brain injury recovery:

Assessment and Evaluation: Occupational therapists conduct personalised assessments to evaluate an individual’s physical and cognitive capabilities. This assessment provides a foundation for tailoring interventions that align with the person’s unique goals and needs and identifies areas of difficulty in personal care, work and leisure activities. 

Functional Activities: Our therapists guide individuals in practising functional activities independently or within group settings. These activities are carefully selected to align with personal goals and support skill development.

Environment Assessment: We conduct assessments within the individual’s own environment to identify any barriers to independence. Based on this assessment, we recommend necessary equipment, adaptations or further rehabilitation to create a supportive living and working environment.

Hand Therapy: For those with hand impairments resulting from brain injury, we offer specialised hand therapy. This may include creating custom splints and designing exercise programs to improve hand strength and dexterity.

Pressure Relief Management: Our therapists provide advice and techniques for pressure relief through effective bed positioning and seating adaptations. This prevents discomfort and potential complications associated with prolonged immobility.

Sensation Management: Altered sensation is a common consequence of brain injuries. We offer education and strategies to help individuals adapt and manage changes in sensation, enhancing their ability to engage in daily activities.

Cognitive Deficit Treatment: Our approach extends to addressing cognitive deficits resulting from brain injuries. We assess cognitive functioning and develop targeted interventions to improve memory, attention, and other cognitive skills.

Perception and Problem-Solving: Brain injuries can impact perception and problem-solving abilities. Our therapists employ techniques to aid individuals in navigating these challenges, enhancing their ability to interpret and respond to the world around them.

Education and Empowerment: Through educational sessions, we equip individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to adapt to their new circumstances. This empowerment fosters confidence and a sense of control over their rehabilitation journey.

Multidisciplinary Approach: Our neurological occupational therapists collaborate closely with other rehabilitation professionals, ensuring a holistic approach to recovery. This multidisciplinary teamwork optimises outcomes and addresses the diverse needs of individuals with brain injuries.

Our neurological occupational therapy at Hobbs Rehabilitation is a cornerstone of rebuilding lives after brain injuries. By focusing on functional activities, environment adaptation and cognitive enhancement we help individuals regain their independence and find new pathways to engage in the activities that bring meaning and joy to their lives.

Every individual recovering from an acquired brain injury has a unique journey, shaped by the specific areas of impact and the extent of damage to the brain. At Hobbs Rehabilitation, we understand the complexity of these recoveries and our specialised neurological physiotherapy treatment is designed to address a wide spectrum of symptoms and needs. Our approach is centred on personalised assessment and tailored treatments to support each individual’s goals.

Assessment and Evaluation: Each person’s brain injury manifests differently, resulting in a range of symptoms and potential impacts on the central nervous system, as well as other parts of the body. Our physiotherapists assess every aspect of the individual’s condition to gain an understanding of their needs and goals.

Bespoke Treatment: In response to the uniqueness of each case, our therapists create individualised treatment plans. These plans are made to align with the individual’s specific goals, aiming to enhance both physical and functional outcomes.

Increasing Muscle Strength: We utilise strengthening and mobilisation exercises to increase muscle strength. These exercises are carefully chosen to address areas of weakness and restore functionality.

Improving Balance and Mobility: Through a thorough assessment of postural alignment and static and dynamic balance, we work to enhance postural stability, balance and mobility. Our goal is to facilitate safe and efficient movement.

Enhancing Sensation: By employing sensory stimulation techniques, we aim to improve sensation, leading to greater awareness and responsiveness.

Reducing Stiffness and Pain: Stretching programs play a vital role in reducing muscle stiffness, spasms and pain. These programs contribute to greater comfort and flexibility.

Mitigating Fall Risks: Our interventions extend to fall prevention. Through balance work, gait re-education and training, we reduce the risk of falls, enhancing overall safety.

Addressing Foot Drop: For those experiencing foot drop, we offer functional electrical stimulation (FES) and a trial of various orthotics. These interventions assist in mitigating foot drop and enhancing mobility and functionality.

Postural Advice: Proper positioning during rest and daily activities is crucial. Through careful management of bed and seating positions, our physiotherapists, along with our occupational therapists, enhance independence and overall quality of life.

Our neurological physiotherapy treatments at Hobbs Rehabilitation are focused on an individualised assessment, bespoke treatments and a commitment to enhancing physical function. We support individuals as they regain movement, independence, and confidence in their daily activities.

After an acquired brain injury, the ability to communicate effectively can be significantly impacted. Challenges with speech, swallowing, written communication and non-verbal expression can create barriers to social interaction and daily functioning. At Hobbs Rehabilitation, our specialist speech and language therapists are dedicated to helping individuals regain their communication skills and connection to the world. 

Assessment and Evaluation: We recognise that each individual’s communication challenges are unique. Our speech and language therapists offer bespoke assessments and interventions to address specific difficulties.

Communication Aid Guidance: Our speech and language therapists offer advice and management related to both low-tech and high-tech communication aids. These aids can range from simple tools to sophisticated technology that enhances communication, ensuring individuals can express themselves more confidently.

Flexible Treatment Options: Rehabilitation can take place at our centres, online or in the comfort of your own home. Hobbs Rehabilitation also offers one-on-one therapy sessions and communication group sessions, with treatment settings tailored to accommodate individual preferences and needs. 

Assistance with Written Communication: Brain injuries can affect not only spoken language but also written communication. Our therapists offer support in adapting written communication methods and may recommend the use of adaptive equipment to facilitate writing.

Swallow Assessment: Brain injuries can disrupt the coordination required for safe and effective swallowing, potentially leading to dysphagia, a swallowing disorder. Our speech and language therapists conduct thorough assessments to evaluate swallowing function to identify any difficulties and can make recommendations or suggest exercises, to ensure your eating, drinking and swallowing is safe.

Training for Family and Carers: Communication is a collaborative effort. We provide training for family members and caregivers, offering strategies and techniques to effectively communicate with someone who has dysphasia, a language disorder that can result from brain injury.

Our speech and language therapists at Hobbs Rehabilitation play a vital role in rebuilding connections that may have been disrupted by a brain injury. By providing guidance, interventions, and personalised support, we empower individuals to overcome communication challenges and rediscover their ability to express themselves, engage with loved ones and participate fully in their daily lives.

How Our Expert Team Can Assist You

Symptoms vary widely for brain injuries based on many different factors such as the type, severity and location of the injury, therefore our treatment plans are designed to address and educate the specific symptoms and needs of each individual.

Attention and Concentration

Behavioural Changes

Balance and Coordination

Cognitive Impairments

Foot Drop

Mobility Limitations

Muscle Weakness

Speech and Communication

Swallowing and Feeding

Patient entering details onto an enquiry form on a laptop

Enquire today about any of our services or packages

Team member on the telephone at a computer

You will be contacted to determine your needs and assessment location

Physiotherapist and patient sat facing towards each other, participating in an assessment consultation

Your therapist will recommend the best course of treatment

Patient sat at a desk using the DIEGO with a gamified steering wheel and game on a screen

Once you have booked you will be ready to start your treatment plan.

Brain injury patient sat on plinth balancing a ball on a tennis racket, with a specialist neurological physiotherapist knelt in front ready to support or catch the ball

What to Expect

During the assessment, your therapist will discuss your clinical history and recommend the best treatment course. Our intensive rehabilitation packages, which achieve better results in a shorter time span, can be suitable for some people with acquired brain injuries. Your therapist will discuss which therapy is best suited to your condition as well as consider your needs and personal goals and refer you to our wider multidisciplinary team when required.

Let's Get Started

We offer our services in inpatient, outpatient and community settings – find your nearest centre

Alternatively, call us on 01962 779796 to talk with our team or fill out our enquiry form on our contact page.

We accept self-referrals and referrals from Medico-Legal, health and social care professionals and the charity sector.

Need More Information?

Explore a range of common questions about brain injuries, and see how you may benefit from an assessment. If your question still isn’t answered, get in touch – contact us.

A brain injury, also referred to as a traumatic brain injury (TBI) or acquired brain injury (ABI), is damage to the brain resulting from external forces. It can occur due to various causes, including accidents, falls, sports injuries and medical conditions such as strokes or tumours (More details regarding strokes and/or tumours can be found on their dedicated pages). Brain injuries can range in severity from mild to severe and can lead to a wide range of physical, cognitive, and emotional impairments.

The severity of a brain injury depends on factors such as the force of impact, the area of the brain affected and the overall health of the individual. Mild brain injuries, often referred to as concussions, might result in temporary symptoms and a relatively quick recovery. However, 15-30% of people will experience persistent concussion symptoms also known as post-concussion syndrome (PCS). For further insights into concussion, explore our Concussion Clinic page. Moderate to severe brain injuries can have more profound and lasting effects, requiring extensive rehabilitation and support.

The brain is a complex organ responsible for controlling various bodily functions, cognitive processes, emotions, and behaviours. When a brain injury occurs, it can disrupt these functions and cause a range of symptoms, which might include:

  • Physical impairments such as mobility issues, muscle weakness and coordination problems.
  • Cognitive deficits affecting memory, attention, problem-solving and language skills.
  • Emotional and behavioural changes, including mood swings, depression, anxiety and irritability.
  • Sensory disturbances like changes in vision, hearing, taste or smell.
  • Communication difficulties, including speech and language impairments.


Brain injuries can be complex and have significant impacts on an individual’s life and well-being. Treatment and rehabilitation focus on managing symptoms, restoring function, and helping individuals regain as much independence and quality of life as possible.

The duration of recovery varies widely based on the severity of the injury, the individual’s progress, and their specific goals. Some individuals might require weeks or months of rehabilitation, while others may need ongoing support for years.

Hobbs Rehabilitation’s intensive rehabilitation, which can be suitable for some people with brain injuries, achieves better results in a shorter amount of time. During your assessment, the therapist will discuss which therapy is best suited to your condition.

Rehabilitation for brain injury typically involves a multidisciplinary approach, including physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech and language therapy, clinical neuropsychology and more. The goal is to address various aspects of recovery, from physical mobility to cognitive function.

Yes, we provide treatment for both adults and children with brain injuries. Our team includes specialists who can assist individuals of all ages. Our paediatric team is well-equipped to offer care to children across different age groups.

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