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Lee Silverman Voice Treatment

4-week intensive speech therapy aimed at improving vocal loudness and clarity in individuals with Parkinson’s and other neurological conditions.


Vocal Loudness

Facial Expression

Lee Silverman Voice Treatment (LSVT) can help individuals speak more loudly and clearly, improving their overall communication abilities and enhancing their quality of life. Treatment includes intensive speech therapy 4 times a week for 4 weeks with an experienced clinician (which can be delivered at our centre or online), regular contact throughout with a follow-up at 3 and 6 months and access to our fortnightly LSVT group. Prior to treatment, you will require an assessment to make sure you are suitable which can also be in person or online.

LSVT LOUD is a speech therapy approach designed to improve the speech and voice quality of individuals with Parkinson’s and other neurological conditions that can affect speech.

The primary goal of LSVT LOUD is to help individuals speak more loudly and clearly, improving their overall communication abilities and enhancing their quality of life. The program is intensive and typically consists of individual sessions with a speech and language therapist who is trained in LSVT. The treatment focuses on increasing vocal loudness through various exercises and tasks that encourage the individual to use a strong voice. One of the key principles of LSVT is “Think Loud”, which encourages individuals to speak with greater effort and intensity than they might normally use.

LSVT is specifically targeted towards individuals with Parkinson’s, which is a long-term neurological condition that can lead to various motor and speech-related difficulties, including reduced vocal loudness, hoarseness, and articulation problems. However, LSVT is not limited to Parkinson’s and can result in improvements in patients with a variety of diagnoses including stroke, multiple sclerosis and ataxia.

LSVT has been widely researched and has shown promising results in improving individuals’ vocal loudness and speech clarity. The treatment is customised to the individual’s needs and progresses over time, with the aim of maintaining the improvements achieved during treatment.

It’s important to note that while LSVT has been effective for many individuals, it may not be suitable for everyone. Our speech and language therapists will assess each person’s specific condition and need to determine the appropriate treatment approach.


Multiple Sclerosis


Let's Get Started

We offer LSVT LOUD online or at Hobbs Rehabilitation Winchester – find your nearest centre

Alternatively, call us on 01962 779796 to talk with our team or fill out our enquiry form on our contact page.

We accept self-referrals and referrals from Medico-Legal, health and social care professionals and the charity sector.

Patient entering details onto an enquiry form on a laptop

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Therapist taking a telephone screening for Hobbs Rehabilitation

You will be contacted to determine your needs and assessment location

Patient sat with physiotherapist undergoing a Hobbs Rehabilitation assessment

Your therapist will recommend the best course of treatment

Patient on Tyromotions DIEGO as part of their neurotechnology rehabilitation

Once you have booked you will be ready to start your treatment plan.

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